The science of hearing and how you can sustainably strengthen your hearing with AudioFitness training Sep 12, 2024 Hearing and comprending In our modern world, where noise and constant soundscapes are ubiquitous, the topic of hearing is often neglected—until we suddenly realize how valuable good hearing really is. In a fascinating featur... Read more
Hearing aids or hearing training or both? Feb 11, 2021 Hearing and comprending So we have to distinguish between sound reception and the processing of these signals in the auditory centers in the brain. I always tell my clients that the brain, and thus the hearing ability, is al... Read more
Hearing fitness - the optimal all-round hearing aid fitting solution Apr 19, 2019 Hearing and comprending The definitions of hearing aids and their meaning read rather brittle: "The hearing aid is an aid that enables hearing-impaired people to compensate for the deficit or damage of their auditory organ a... Read more