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A separate store is available for customers from Switzerland

[ S270 ] Sticker - Try now!
This sticker has a format of 29 cm x 29 cm and has the shape of a cross.
As a backglass sticker, you can attach it to your shop window or entrance door from the inside. He is deliberately removable, so they can "let him move".
Also, you do NOT have to register it as a "structural measure" or "structural change" at the Ordnungsamt or other official institutions or your landlord and have it approved, as is the case with "Aufglas stickers" in some cities and towns.
5.00 € 5.0 EUR
[ S254+S255 ] Hörfitness Endkundenbroschüre und Hörfitness-Lizenzbogen (Set)
Informationsbroschüre zum Hörfitness-Hörtraining für Endkunden / Anwender.
Zusätzlich enthalten in diesem Set: Hörfitness-Lizenzbögen (ebenfalls zur Abgabe durch den Hörfitness-Partner an den Endkunden)
Bitte beachten Sie unsere Mengenstaffel ab 50 Exemplaren
1.19 € 1.19 EUR
[ S252+S253+S272 ] VerstehTherapie (Aufgaben- und Lösungsheft)
Set aus Aufgaben- und Lösungsheft zur Hörfitness VerstehTherapie (App-basiert)
Die beiden Hefte sind im A4-Format als Druckerzeugnisse erhältlich (im Set)
Nur für Hörfitness-Partner - Bitte beachten Sie unsere Mengenstaffel ab 50 Exemplaren
1.49 € 1.49 EUR
[ S262 ] Window sticker: training for brain and hearing
This sticker has a size of 100 cm x 30 cm and has the shape of a pennant.

As a backglass sticker, you can attach it to your shop window or entrance door from the inside. He is deliberately removable, so they can "let him move".
Also, you do NOT have to register it as a "structural measure" or "structural change" at the Ordnungsamt or other official institutions or your landlord and have it approved, as is the case with "on-glass stickers" in some cities and towns.
25.00 € 25.0 EUR