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Brain-Boy Infokanal
School success through brain jogging - not only with LRS = reading and spelling problems (dyslexia) the training around the Brain-Boy offers good training chances! Also successful pupils profit from this high performance training.

For children with learning problems or reading and spelling difficulties, they do almost everything - usually with only very moderate success.even intensive practice helps only a little. Learning the rules of spelling is of little use in everyday life if, for example, individual sounds such as d and g cannot be distinguished with certainty, especially in a noisy classroom environment. The solution: training important basic skills in a playful way with the Brain-Boy. Shift gears faster, understand better: Intelligent brain performance training can promote crucial skills for confident use of language. So you can set the stage for confident comprehension, successful learning and better reading and writing.
Hörfitness basic training
What is behind Hörfitness?
How does Hörfitness work?
How can you use hörfitness effectively?

These and other questions will be answered in this online course.
We will give you a theoretical as well as a practical insight into the topic of hearing fitness.

The first part of this course deals with the theoretical background and the second part focuses on the practical work on the client.
Hörfitness Refresher
You have already attended our hearing fitness basic training and want to refresh your knowledge again.
Then this is the right online course for you.

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