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A separate store is available for customers from Switzerland

  • Central auditory processing
  • audioFitness training
  • Tinnitus
  • Audiofitness marketing
  • Binokulare Fusion
  • Fortbildung
  • Hör-&Lesematerial / Bücher
  • Sehen
  • Sensomotorik
[ 9189 ] AUDIO4LAB License for Tinnicur Professional
License for Tinnicur professional module within the AUDIO4LAB system including MP3-Stick and USB-connector cable.
*** Recommended: Additional headphones model MT-70 ***
*** Manual ***
2,180.67 € 2180.67 EUR
[ BC-Set1-Kombi-T ] BrainCentral set solution with tablet
BrainCentral Complete Set WITH TABLET. Includes BrainCentral, a ready-to-use Android tablet with the latest version of the BrainCentral app, two headsets, special glasses, cable set and special case solution.
Additionally included is a MediTOOLs premium license (single user) and free of charge 1 year MediTOOLs support contract. (Contract ends automatically if not actively extended by the customer). The functional scope of the app includes the complete Lateral-Trainer PRO, the central audiometer for recording 8 low-level functions including all evaluation functions, the perception discrimination test and the sound discrimination training for four languages each.
4,030.25 € 4030.25 EUR
[ 10055 ] External control unit to the AUDIO4LAB
Add-on component for AUDIO4LAB device, mandatory i.e. for Brain Audiometer module
289.92 € 289.92 EUR
[ 9144 ] Flightcase for Audecom
Professional flightcase for AUDECOM hearing aid comparator
Fits one unit with accessories
1,490.00 € 1490.0 EUR
[ 8588 ] STIM DIN Adapter-Kabel 140cm
Extender cable for connecting the U-Control / MyoTrac with the vaginal/rectal & STIM electrodes.
63.03 € 63.03 EUR
[ 8586 ] STIM DIN Adapter-Kabel 102cm
EMG-Extenderkabel (lang: 100 cm) für EMG-Ableitungen, Kabel mit drei Knopfanschlüssen
57.98 € 57.980000000000004 EUR
[ 9174 ] Audecom Rechargeable Battery Solution
Special battery solution for the Audecom with battery and power supply. Provides maximum safety, automat. Overvoltage protection, input current monitoring, capacity limit, temperature monitoring with programmable shutdown.

Built-in dual power AC/DC adapter 230 V and 12 V
Internal independent lithium battery balancer
Individually balanced battery discharge
Usable for different Lithium battery types
Fast memory mode for different battery types
Maximum safety
Automatic. Overvoltage protection
Input current monitoring
Capacity limit
Temperature monitoring with programmable shutdown
Process time limit
Charge capacity display
Supports Lithium, NiMh, NiCD and lead acid batteries
251.26 € 251.26000000000002 EUR
[ 7932 ] AUDECOM silicone hose set (package consisting of 6 pcs.)
for plugging on the hearing instruments/ hearing aid
8.23 € 8.23 EUR
[ 2020-SET-DE ] BASS 2.0 - Analysis of central hearing functions via software solution (set with tablet and closed headphones)
BASS - Detailed analysis software for central hearing functions: Currently captures: (1) Time processing (2) Directional hearing (3) Frequency discrimination (4) Hemispheric coordination (5) Choice response time (6) Pattern recognition (7) Tone length discrimination. The software offers a fast and convincing test of central hearing functions and provides a differentiated written evaluation in report form with graphic support for all collected functions at the push of a button. A quick screening test is also possible in just a few minutes.
Includes USB input device (control unit) for exact time recording of responses.
In addition to the BASS license and the external control unit, this SET solution also includes the closed headphone type 7927 VicFirth, a current Windows tablet and the complete installation and setup of the BASS 2.0 software for you.
2,940.44 € 2940.44 EUR
Complete solution for ambulatory use. Includes T-4000 with power supply and instructions, transmission cable, 1x T-600 device, CD player, headphone distribution, CD selection, special case (aluminium)
3,259.66 € 3259.66 EUR
[ 8202 ] TINNICUR-600, training device on ear noise
Tinnitus treatment with system
- Individual training for each client
- Training from the comfort of your own home
-Help for self-help without side effects
- Learning to cope with ringing in the ears step by step
839.50 € 839.5 EUR
[ S113-DE-SET ] Hearing training diaries (50 pcs.)
50 diaries on hörFit hearing training for the trainee. 8-page high-quality colour print with explanations of the listening training, tables for training documentation, overview for recording personal experiences and impressions as well as explanations of the key functions for listening comprehension.
29.84 € 29.84 EUR
[ 8333 ] Replacement ear pads for MT-HS-16-II
Price for a pair of replacement ear pads. Please note that for orders below €10, a small quantity surcharge of €10 will be applied. From an order quantity of 10 pairs of ear pads, you will receive them at a set price (per pair) of € 1.90.
2.44 € 2.44 EUR
[ 8303 ] Replacement ear pads for MT-HS-16-III
Price for a pair of replacement ear pads for headphones MT-HS-16-III. Please note that for orders below €10, a small quantity surcharge of €10 will be applied. From an order quantity of 10 pairs of ear pads you will receive them at a set price (per pair) of € 1.90.
2.44 € 2.44 EUR
[ 9090 ] hörFit-Case for AT-3000
Practical case for safe storage of the audio trainer AT - 3000
29.41 € 29.41 EUR
[ L1153 ] Wenn die Ohren müde werden: Selbstsicher und aktiv leben mit Hörschwäche - Gerhard M. Wissler (German)
Convert hearing loss into positive life energy

Hearing loss makes you insecure. This book encourages those affected to see the alleged weakness as an opportunity for personal change, to implement it successfully and not to lose their sense of humor. It also shows how intuition can be sharpened when the hearing ability deteriorates, how all other senses can be perceived all the more consciously and how it can literally be lived more meaningfully.

Gerhard M. Wissler knows hearing loss from his own experience. His insightful and practical advice and coping strategies can be implemented immediately and are a benefit for everyone who wants to discover himself and his hearing in a new way. With many examples and tips for typical everyday situations, small self-tests, helpful information about the use of hearing aids as well as expert opinions from the fields of medicine and hearing aid acoustics.
14.91 € 14.91 EUR
12.61 € 12.61 EUR
[ 7946 ] Induction coil cable for hearing aid connection
Induction coil cable in stereo, high-quality solution with jack plug. For use with the AT-3000 as well as with Brain-Boy and Lateral-Training
115.97 € 115.97 EUR
[ S254+S255 ] Hörfitness Endkundenbroschüre und Hörfitness-Lizenzbogen (Set)
Informationsbroschüre zum Hörfitness-Hörtraining für Endkunden / Anwender.
Zusätzlich enthalten in diesem Set: Hörfitness-Lizenzbögen (ebenfalls zur Abgabe durch den Hörfitness-Partner an den Endkunden)
Bitte beachten Sie unsere Mengenstaffel ab 50 Exemplaren
1.19 € 1.19 EUR