Odoo • Bild und Text

A separate store is available for customers from Switzerland

  • Audio Analysis
  • audioFitness
  • Tinnitus
  • Audiofitness marketing
  • Binocular fusion
  • Listening and reading materials / Books
  • Sensory motoric
  • Vision
  • training courses
[ MV-2 ] Microphone splitter (1-to-6 splitter, passive)
Passive microphone distributor that allows for combining up to six microphones (z.B. MT-DS-50 - MediTECH by AKG).
Scope of delivery: Mikrophone distributor, a 6,35-mm-sockets cable in MONO, manual
147.49 € 147.49 EUR
[ BC-BASE ] BrainCentral-Basic
This is the BrainCentral base system. Additional components and licenses are required for use. (Lateral Training Module, Central Audiometer Module, Perception Tests, Sound Discrimination Training | Hardware: Headsets, Special LCD Glasses, Cables, Case, ...)
1,298.70 € 1298.7 EUR
[ BC-Set1-Kombi-oT ] BrainCentral Combi Set without Tablet
BrainCentral complete set WITHOUT TABLET. Includes BrainCentral, two headsets, special glasses, cable set and special case solution.
Additionally included is a MediTOOLs premium license (single user) and 1 year MediTOOLs support contract free of charge. (Contract ends automatically if not actively extended by the customer). The functional scope of the app includes the complete Lateral Trainer PRO, the central audiometer for recording 8 low-level functions including all evaluation functions, the perceptual acuity test and the phonetic discrimination training for four languages each.

Minimum requirements of the tablet
- Android version from: 10
- Display size from: 10"
- Display resolution from: 1920x1080 (FullHD)
- Main memory (RAM) from: 3Gb
- Memory from: 64Gb
5,020.83 € 5020.83 EUR
[ BC-Set2-ZA-T ] BrainCentral Brain Audiometer with tablet
BrainCentral as central audiometer. Includes BrainCentral, a ready-to-use Android tablet with the current version of the BrainCentral-App and an MT-70 headphones. The functional scope of the app includes the testing of eight central auditory functions and the associated evaluation. In addition, the Warnke Perceptual Acuity Test is included in four languages (German, English, French, Polish).
Additionally included is a MediTOOLs premium license (single user) and free of charge 1 year MediTOOLs support contract. (Contract ends automatically if not actively extended by the customer).
3,276.22 € 3276.2200000000003 EUR
[ BC-Set2-ZA-oT ] BrainCentral Brain Audiometer
BrainCentral as central audiometer without a tablet. Includes BrainCentral with the corresponding BrainCentral app license and MT-70 headphones. The functional scope of the app includes the testing of eight central auditory functions and the associated evaluation. In addition, the Warnke Perceptual Acuity Test is included in four languages (German, English, French, Polish).
Additionally included is a MediTOOLs premium license (single user) and free of charge 1 year MediTOOLs support contract. (Contract ends automatically if not actively extended by the customer).

Minimum requirements of the tablet
- Android version from: 10
- Display size from: 10"
- Display resolution from: 1920x1080 (FullHD)
- Main memory (RAM) from: 3Gb
- Memory from: 64Gb
3,057.73 € 3057.73 EUR
[ BC-Set4-LTH-T ] BrainCentral Lateral-Trainer HOME mit Tablet
BrainCentral Lateral Trainer Set WITH TABLET. Includes BrainCentral, an Android tablet ready configured for you with the latest version of the BrainCentral app, two headsets, special glasses, and the audio cable set and special case solution. The functionality of the BrainCentral app is designed for private use. For extended functionality, the PRO version is required.
2,289.74 € 2289.7400000000002 EUR
[ BC-Set4-LTH-oT ] BrainCentral Lateral-Trainer HOME without tablet
BrainCentral Lateral Trainer Set WITHOUT TABLET. Includes BrainCentral, two headsets, special glasses, and the audio cable set and special case solution. The functionality of the BrainCentral app is designed for private use. For extended functionality, the PRO version is required.

Minimum requirements of the tablet
- Android version from: 10
- Display size from: 10"
- Display resolution from: 1920x1080 (FullHD)
- Main memory (RAM) from: 3Gb
- Memory from: 64Gb
1,964.20 € 1964.2 EUR
[ BC-Set3-LTP-T ] BrainCentral Lateral Trainer PRO with Tablet
BrainCentral Lateral Trainer Set WITH TABLET. Includes BrainCentral, an Android tablet configured ready for you with the latest version of the BrainCentral app, two headsets, special glasses, and the audio cable set and special case solution. The feature set of the BrainCentral app is designed for professional use and offers the full range of functions for lateral training. Perception testing and sound discrimination training without limitation in four languages (German, English, French, Polish.
3,494.71 € 3494.71 EUR
[ BC-Set3-LTP-oT ] BrainCentral Lateral Trainer PRO without Tablet
BrainCentral Lateral Trainer Set WITHOUT TABLET. Includes BrainCentral, two headsets, special glasses as well as cable set and special case solution. The feature set of the BrainCentral app is designed for professional use and offers the full range of functions for lateral training. Perception testing and sound discrimination training without limitation in four languages (German, English, French, Polish)

Minimum requirements of the tablet
- Android version from: 10
- Display size from: 10"
- Display resolution from: 1920x1080 (FullHD)
- Main memory (RAM) from: 3Gb
- Memory from: 64Gb
3,276.22 € 3276.2200000000003 EUR
[ 9156 ] Tablet Android für MediTECH-Apps
Tablet als Verkaufsware für TPS oder PIP. Für Leihware Artikelnummer "Huawei MediaPad T5-LEIH" verwenden.
326.64 € 326.64 EUR